Linda Shaw
[email protected]
2 baby showers
June 22, 2014 and July 5, 2014
June 35-40 July 45-50
June- my home July-Avon veterans hall
Some food items
I would like to know if this is possible and an idea of what it would cost.
I would pick up for both of the showers and I only need the food because I have themed paper plates, napkins, cups and silverware for each baby shower.
For June shower:

Chicken pasta Alfredo
Mozz bake pasta or pasta marinara
sliced french bread

July shower:

Turkey wraps with lettuce and tomato
and some with just lettuce. Not sure if you put cheese on them or not.
Homemade soft rolls
Baked Macaroni and Cheese.

I have the racks and burners to keep the items warm.
let me know if this is possible and I would love to work with you people again.

Thank you,

Linda Shaw